

Material story lab is currently in the process of being reworked as a community. The site is therefore not updated.

A new site is emerging very soon as a co-work-production of AAU students.

Material Story Lab at Aalborg University is an international network and research based energy center that works with material stories as an innovative concept within educational, management and organizational development, (cp. Dissertation by Strand, 2012, Jørgensen & Strand, 2011, see also Jørgensen, Strand & Thomassen, 2012). Its specific focus is to enhance and profit from attending to the creative, material sides of developmental processes through an active use of space, body and artifacts as co-shapers of change, knowledge-production and development.

Material Story Lab is associated at the following knowledge groups of the Aalborg University: Centre for Dialogue and Organization and Mattering in Department of Communication and Psychology, and, further, Sustainable Leadership and Learning in the Department of Learning and Philosophy.

Material Story Lab is mobile but is placed physically at the city campus of the University at Nordkraft with researchers and teachers as consultants who are helped by a set de-signer (Jeanette Clemmensen) and painter-sculptor (Jens Munk) as counter-balancing, complementary parties.

The Material Story Lab offers a process-oriented and holistic approach to practices of knowing and becoming. It offers an expansion of teaching strategies and techniques that takes the multimodal, intra-active nature of knowing and being seriously; it enables and fosters the intra-action of diverse learning styles in the envelopment process. Western mono-modal approaches to teaching and learning are counter-balanced by Taoist emphasis on analogue and digital modes of storytelling, Feng-shui understanding of chi-intraplay, bodily practices of tactile engagements and various materials of human and non-human agency. The Material Story Lab is thus grounded in a more complex and holistic understanding of how human-non-human intra-actions are enacted as ‘betweens’.

Material Story Lab are as such an ethico-epistem-ontological research lab within higher education and organization studies.

Webadress: and

Contact: Anete M. Camille Strand,

mobile: +455171-9587/mail: